“We Are Not Worth More. They Are Not Worth Less.”

Workshop Description

S. Brian Willson, a Vietnam Veteran and peace activist, will speak about his new book titled “BLOOD ON THE TRACKS: The Life & Times of S. Brian Willson”.

Presenter Background

S. Brian Willson
S. Brian Willson is an amazing anti-war / human rights activist. He went to Vietnam in 1969, as an Air Force officer, where he witnessed the carnage of a U.S. bombing of a Vietnamese village. He saw over 100 dead villagers, mostly women, children & a few old men. There were no weapons. After complaining about this mass slaughter, Brian was sent back to the states. In 1986, with three other veterans, Brian fasted for 47 days in front of the Capitol Building in Washington DC, protesting U.S. foreign policy in Central America. In 1987, Brian lost both legs when he was run over by a US naval train carrying weapons headed for Central America.
Frank Dorrel
Frank is an anti-war peace activist. He publishes the well known anti-war book titled: “ADDICTED To WAR: Why The US Can’t Kick Militarism” by Joel Andreas. His film “What I’ve Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy”, has been seen by millions of people. He works with The Office of the Americas, No More Victims, CAMS, & many other peace organizations and is a member of Veterans For Peace. Frank & his wife Jane, have hosted dozens of events at their home in Culver City, supporting people such as Father Roy Bourgeois, S. Brian Willson, William Blum, Kathy Kelly, Cindy Sheehan, Marcy Winograd, Norman Solomon, Cole Miller & many others. Frank is a long time listener & supporter of KPFK 90.7 FM Radio & helped start the Arlington West Memorial in Santa Monica.

One Response to “We Are Not Worth More. They Are Not Worth Less.”

  1. Thomas Lash says:

    Both of these men are excellent examples of what to do with ones life.

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